Out of the Office, into the CompoundAug 11, 2011 Sunday's New Home We have six incredible mentors here at the compound who work one on one with the ladies in areas of personal development. This is the time when...
Twitpic...Wednesday!Aug 10, 2011 Happy Wednesday everyone! Today we thought we would mix things up a little since we’ve had so many great pictures on Twitter in the past week and weren’t able to...
The 3rd Annual GIVE Event is this Saturday!Aug 10, 2011 Get ready to empty those piggy banks because this Saturday, August 13th we’re teaming up with our friends at TOMS and Active Ride Shop for the 3rd annual GIVE event...
Krochet Kids intl. 101Aug 09, 2011 We are overwhelmed by all of the new people that have learned about Krochet Kids intl. in the last couple weeks and we are glad that you have joined this...
Out of the Office, into the CompoundAug 05, 2011 As the women begin a new production week, new yarn and styles are also breaking out across the compound. Each lady is given their roles of yarn to work with...
Thanks to all for a rockin' night of ping-pongAug 04, 2011 A huge thank you to everyone who came out Tuesday night for our first annual 'Spin and Tap' ping-pong tournament! We had so much fun seeing everyone bring their a-game to the...
the Godfather visits UgandaAug 02, 2011 Remember this guy?! The Godfather of Krochet Kids intl. (a.k.a. Kohl's older brother that taught him to crochet originally) has finally made a visit to the Krochet Kids Uganda compound....
Spin and Tap TOMORROW!Aug 01, 2011 TOMORROW starting at 7 pm we will be opening the doors of our new warehouse to party with Volcom and YOU! BBQ, drinks, ping pong, and music. It's going to...