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Bing Commercial on X GamesAug 01, 2011 For those of you that missed it on the television screen, here is a look at our commercial produced by Bing that was aired over the weekend during the 17th...
Unique LAJul 30, 2011 For our friends around the great City of Angels: Today and tomorrow (July 30th & 31st) we'll be at Unique LA- the largest independent design show in the country, and...
We're @ US Open of Surfing!Jul 29, 2011 We're stoked to be at the US Open of Surfing! Starting tomorrow (July 30th) and continuing through August 7th, we'll be down in Huntington Beach everyday surrounded by some of...
TV commercial & contestJul 28, 2011 Starting today and throughout the next week there will be a commercial about Krochet Kids intl. airing on ABC, ESPN, and ESPN2 during the X Games. Keep an eye out...
Out of the Office, into the CompoundJul 28, 2011 We’re so excited to now have 122 ladies working at our compound in Uganda! What an awesome addition of smiles in our latest photo from Uganda. Keep your eyes open...
Get ready for the 3rd annual 'Give' Event!Jul 27, 2011 Stop what you’re doing and pick up a pen ‘cause you’re gonna want to write this down. We’re stoked to, once again, be a part of the 3rd annual 'Give'...
Twitpic Tuesday!Jul 26, 2011 It's been another fun week at Krochet Kids! We loved seeing your pictures for the 'intern takeover' last week and can't wait to see all your other fun summer pics!...
We want YOU!Jul 26, 2011 Think you’d be a great addition to Krochet Kids int.? Well, now’s your chance! We’re looking for talented individuals to join our intern team for fall 2011! Applications for our...