It Has Arrived!Nov 07, 2011 Krochet Kids Peru First of all we'd like to say THANK YOU. Our opportunity to grow and reach new communities around the world would not have been possible without the...
PNP: hen sweaterNov 02, 2011 Here is another installment in our series of Potential New Products, where we highlight ridiculous creations found on the world wide web and get your feedback on them.
Krochet Kids Peru - 11.7.11Nov 01, 2011 Next Monday (11.7.11) is going to be the first chance to purchase hats - made in Peru - from our online store. We are releasing 3 select styles that we...
Empowerment: Monitoring & EvaluationOct 31, 2011 Monitoring and Evaluation is our method for measuring how we are doing within our goal...

Meet Our Mentors!Oct 30, 2011 As promised, here is a look into one of the elements of our programs we are most excited about. Our mentors are the true change-agents of our work as they...
Bloomberg BusinessweekOct 28, 2011 Our Kickstarter project was highlighted in the recent issue of Bloomberg Businessweek, as one of the most successful projects funded in the month of September. It was only made possible...
"Change" - a poemOct 27, 2011 Inside various products from this HOLIDAY 2011 collection, and collections to come, you will find a poem printed on the label that the ladies sign. This was written by our...
HOLIDAY 2011 CollectionOct 25, 2011 We have just launched our newest collection for the winter season that is just around the corner. While we are extremely excited about the brand new styles being released into...