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Empowerment: IntroductionNov 20, 2011 INTRODUCTION Over the last 5 decades $2.3 trillion of aid has been poured into the...
Empowerment: Introduction
After Hours: Pickle-BallNov 18, 2011 Pickle-Ball We want to welcome you into our home to join in on some of what happens after we shut our email inboxes for the day. In this second episode...
New Apparel ArrivalsNov 15, 2011 We have released two new items in our online store in time for holiday shopping. Enjoy!
Internship Applications Due Friday!Nov 15, 2011 If you haven't already heard, we love our interns. Lucky for you, we're currently accepting applications (for 3 more days!) for the next intern term at our California HQ, beginning...
Glamour - Dec. 2011Nov 14, 2011 We were featured in the "31 Days of Giving" section of the recent Glamour magazine, their "annual make-a-difference-right-now list".
Empowerment: JobsNov 13, 2011 JOBS A new race to the bottom is underway in the developing world. If you...
Empowerment: Jobs
Empowerment: MentorshipNov 09, 2011 MENTORSHIP The vision for Krochet Kids intl. programs is not to employ individuals for decades,...
Empowerment: Mentorship
Meet JacqueNov 08, 2011 With the launch of our latest collection from Krochet Kids Peru it's important to remind ourselves of the amazing people that are behind the products and the opportunity we collectively...