Yarn of the Future: Polylana

Recycling Plastics. Using Less Energy.
Over the years, we have become increasingly conscious about the impacts of our products and the materials they are made from. We've long worked closely with fiber suppliers to utilize wool and alpaca yarns that are sustainable and renewable. While some of our favorite hats we've ever made use these fibers -- i.e. the World's Greatest Beanie -- we've learned that it's not a great solution for everyone. Two challenges that we've heard from our customers are 1) animal fibers occasional irritate skin or people are looking for vegan-friendly products, and 2) the natural fiber yarns tend to be slightly more costly. For years, we've searched high and low for yarns that could work as an alternative to our 100% acylic beanies, and we're happy to announce a partnership with a new supplier that is helping us accomplish this. Polylana is an innovative yarn maker that is creating a new type of yarn, one with impressive environmental benefits. to name a few, when compared to a 100% acrylic yarn these hats:1) Save at least 15 liters of water. 2) Use up to 75% less energy to produce. 3) Recycle discarded plastics.

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