Wow. It's safe to say that this year blew our minds. Where it starts, is the shear number of hats that we were able to sell this year. We were humbled by all of the people who truly "gave the gift of LOVE" this holiday season and throughout the year. We exist because people identify with our friends in Uganda and come alongside them in support through their voices and their fashion. THANK YOU. But what's even more important is where it all ends... thanks to YOUR support, we are ending this year with over 90 women in Uganda who are able to provide for their families and save for a brighter future. That results in over 500 people being directly impacted through your purchases of our hats, t-shirts, and accessories.
However, what excites me more than all you have helped us accomplish in 2010, is what lies ahead in the coming year. What happened this year as people looked inside their hats and wrote thank you notes to the ladies that made them was much more significant than a simple act of gratitude. An awareness is brewing among people to do more and to give more. I am proud to call myself apart of this generation that not only craves change, but demands it.
We will continue to provide opportunities for your involvement in change. And we have some fun surprises in store for you in 2011.
Happy New Year!
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