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Buy a hat. Change a life.

Give the Gift of LOVE - The Final Push!

We cannot believe that there are only 4 more days until we are ringing in 2011. What an incredible year it has been, and Give the Gift of LOVE is the icing on the cake. Here we are, just days away from our the new year and we are closing in on our goal of 10,000 hats sold this month. Why this is significant... Last year at this time we were employing a group of 10 ladies through our programs in Northern Uganda. Thanks to an effort similar to this and your continuous support, we are now employing nearly 100 women in Uganda (between our seamstresses and crocheters). This is what it means to Give the Gift of LOVE. It is the gift of sustainable hope and empowerment for women and families who would otherwise not have these opportunities. And it's made possible by you... by your fashion, and by your gifts. What is still needed... In these last few days of December we ask that you continue to share about the opportunity to Give the Gift of LOVE with your friends and family. We are less than 500 hats away from reaching our goal and it will be made possible through your help only! Tweet, facebook, call, and encourage your friends to spend their holiday cash on Krochet Kids intl. items and in support of our friends in Uganda. We cannot wait to see how the results of this campaign will effect the lives of more people in 2011!


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