[VIDEO] This is empowerment.
What We Stand For
Empowerment requires much more than a single transaction or temporary assistance. This is the truth we have found in our work. We established our brand to help individuals to the fullest extent possible. We set out to equip people living in poverty with the tools, resources and knowledge to become comepletely self-reliant individuals. We help people help themselves. Why? Because we believe in the capabilities of people. Because we listened and that is what people told us they wanted. Because people are worth it. In the world today there are an increasing number of brands, people, startups, companies, and more getting involved in a movement called “social good”. The definition of this term continues to become more nebulous as different groups walk the fine line between “good” and “good enough”. We can’t define what that is for other people or for you, but what we can do is share the heart behind who we are and what we stand for. We founded ourselves as a non-profit organization in order to make one thing very clear: impact is our focus. We seek to have a lasting impact on individuals and their families through a holistic approach toward their care and development. Through the combination of jobs, education, and mentorship, our programs address their financial, emotional, health, and educational needs in order that they will be set up for an independent and successful future. For us, it's about investing deeply in the individuals, not providing one isolated need to the masses. Our products serve as a vehicle for connecting you with these stories and they are a tangible representation of the impact that is happening. Join us in this movement toward true and lasting impact for those living in poverty. This is empowerment.
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