Happy Tuesday! Here are a few of the great photos we've received these past few weeks. From Aspen Fashion Week to SXSW to your neighborhood, we LOVE seeing how you interact with KKi. Thanks so much for sharing with us!
Keep the photos coming and remember to tag @krochetkids on Twitter or Facebook!
(clockwise from top left)
“Love @krochetkids ! #inspiring” - instagr.am/p/IGNQPvPotJ/ (via @dpcfashion)
"@krochetkids @undeniably_kate KKi loves Austin! #SXSW" - pic.twitter.com/gi50j8Zv
(via @Megs_lynn)
"Loving all the socially conscious businesses at @styleXaustin. Check out @krochetkids booth! #sxsw #austin" -pic.twitter.com/CzayZbx9/ (via @radiantcosmetic)
"It's here!! Yippie!! @krochetkids" -pic.twitter.com/9CkKo5lO (via @amdurnin)
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