We are diving deeper into this idea of what we carry and how those things speak to who we are. Meet our friend Dave and his work with
Almond Surfboards & Designs...
Name: Dave Allee
Occupation: Owner, Almond Surfboards & Designs
KKi Product: 'the 5207.5' - Denim and Tan Stripes <
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Give us a brief description about what Almond is all about...
We are aspiring to be the premier lifestyle brand of the surfer & craftsmen. Surfboards have been and will always be the foundation, but having the shop serves as a platform to highlight the the people who embody the whole lifestyle. We want to encourage people and see how their gifts can be a part of our story.
Through meeting the people behind the products we were wanting to make and through brands like Krochet Kids intl. we are inspired to tell people's stories. I fell in love with the idea of producing items right here at home in California. From our boards to our wetsuits to dress shirts we are are about having handcrafted product. In this way, we have a deepened appreciation for the labor and work and love that goes into the products that we make/use.
What's your trick for the best surfboard wax job?
I do basecoat with arguile Xs using the corner of the wax, then use the flat part of the basecoat in little circles, and then a thin layer of cool wax over the top. I also reapply after the first couple sessions.
Favorite place to surf?
Out of convenience I surf Newport before coming into work. Given more time I'd go to Doheny and San Onofre. Give even more time I'd go back to Australia.
Where was the last place you used your passport?
How long have you had those sandals?
October 2010. They went with me to Japan, a couple trips out to Catalina
, Australia and on a surf trip up the California coast... and I'm wearing them right now.
What are those tools?
(top) It's a vintage block plane, used to take down the stringer on the board This one was my Grandpa's and it hangs in my workshop. I like to have cool old tools around as a reminder of how although it's hard to do things by hand, it's a lot easier than it used to be.
(below to left) T tool - used for measuring wear the apex of your rail is . A thicker rail will be more stable, thinner rail will be more responsive.
(below to right) Surform - my favorite tool. A 'surform' is like a cheese grader with a handle, and it serves as a go between a planer and a sand paper.
Are you shaping any boards right now?
I'm working on a 1920's style paddle board (not standup paddle), they are known as 'kook boxes'. Completely square rails, round nose, and a narrow pintail. Fully hollow construction made out of a mahogoney plywood and 10 feet long.
What do you like about 'the 5207.5'?
When I first met the Krochet Kids they were living in this dream, "lost boys" beach house in Newport. When I found out the hat was named after the address of that place I loved it. It was representative of the early stages of KKi and I have been able to see the progression of the brand and of the people behind it. There is some nostalgia there.
Aesthetically, it is my style and the color pallette is representative of Almond - the tans and blues. I also like it for functional reasons, to be able to wear it rolled up works best for me.
Your hat was made by Lapolo Irene. What about her story resonates with you?
I have appreciated and enjoyed being able to work with and empower craftsmen here in the states. And to think about a lady like Irene who even has so much more to gain through her work is amazing. It gives me that same positive sensation, but it's absolutely magnified.
I love to see the impact and be able to empower ladies like Irene and hear about their stories and hear what they are doing in pursuit of their passions. Just knowing that I am a little bit a part of that story makes me feel like I am empowering people on the other side of the world to do what they are passionate about.
Irene has a dream to start her own business. What advice would you give to her through your experience with Almond?
I guess the biggest thing is to really know what you're good at and what sets you apart and leverage that. Then use your God-given gifts to build your business around. I have learned a lot about myself in the last 3-years and it might not always look the same as I thought originally but that's ok.
What gives you life, what brings you joy and what strengths you have are what you should be focused on.
The fact that she has the dream and the drive to go back to school and pursuit her dreams is awesome. It's too easy to be content in life.
Address of your shop:
367 Old Newport Blvd.
Newport Beach, CA 92663
*BONUS quote* "So much of surfing is just showing up. Being present and creating relationships."
{photos courtesy of our ever talented friend Braedon Flynn}
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