2012 Annual Report

5 Years and Counting
As we looked back at 2012, and the moments that made it a truly special year for KKi, we realized something pretty incredible... we have been doing our work for 5 years! We have spent half a decade in our pursuit of learning and understanding what true empowerment looks like for people living in poverty. It's only as you look backward that you are able to realize how far you have come. This proved absolutely true in the creation of our 2012 Annual Report. We are seeing the impact of our work more and more as we continue to get better at equipping women with the resources to realize their dreams and an independent future. Women are starting businesses in Uganda, our work is expanding in Peru, and as always, our supporters are the best on the planet and have continued to help us reach new heights. What adds to the excitement for our 2012 Annual Report is that it is the first one to have its own interactive web page (translation: it's really fun to look through!). I'll stop writing here and let you enjoy our all-new annual report that we released today...
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