Who made my clothes?

Fashion Revolution Day - 4.24.15
In the wake of one of the most tragic recent events experienced by the global apparel industry has spawned a hopeful movement of people creating a new future and asking the right questions. On April 24th, 2013 the Rhana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh, killing over 1,000 people and injuring thousands more. Saddening events such as this bring questions to the global landscape of how our clothing is made and the care given to those who make them. Fashion Revolution Day was born to create awareness and conversation centralized around one main question: WHO MADE MY CLOTHES? Today (April 24th), they encourage anyone and everyone to take a photo of the label on their clothing and ask brands "who made it?" This is a topic very near to our heart. Our hope has always been to create a new model for clothing production. One that honors the maker and gives our supporters the opportunity to feel 100% confident about the positive impact of their purchases. We believe it matters to #knowwhomadeit, and that's why every one of our products is hand-signed by the person who made it.TAKE ACTION: Proudly share a photo of the signature on your KK intl. product and tag #whomademyclothes & #knowwhomadeit.

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