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Twitvid Twednesday

"This is what a tagging party looks like for @Nordstrom. Go to your local store!" (via @krochetkids) You might have noticed that we didn't put up a twitpic tuesday last week, and maybe you thought we weren't going to get around to it this week either... well, you're partially right. Instead, we thought you might enjoy a video that was tweeted from one of this week's "tagging parties." Life around HQ has been crazy (in the best way!) lately with the production of our Give the Gift of Love video, preparation for the next round of rad interns and sending off product to be sold at Nordstrom. It's busier than ever, but we're loving every minute of it, as quickly as those minutes fly by! p.s. Sorry about the lame 30 second advertisement before the video plays.


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