Feliz martes a ti/ happy Tuesday to you!
For today's Twitpic Tuesday, we're looking at some great pics from Uganda and Peru. We hope you enjoy the inside look of KKi through the camera phones of our international staff.
Keep the pics of you and your Krochet Kids intl. gear coming! Be sure to tag @krochetkids in your twitpic, instagram or Facebook post.
“The @krochetkids Peru women eating lunch w/ their kids. I love that these kids come to work each day too!” -instagr.am/p/KxxcPIQhqa (via @blakegoodfellow)
“Our Tailoring Department has been busy this week... #newthings #latergram” -instagr.am/p/KyATQBB7Vq/ (via @seangalaway)
"Good evening Gulu” -instagr.am/p/KshWPpB7YB/ (via @seangalaway)
“Grace the fishmonger.” -instagr.am/p/Kc6CMRh7Z6/ (via @seangalaway)
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