Happy Twitpic Tuesday! Here's another look at how you're a part KKi- whether it's wearing our product, taking a quick pic of a beanie, or going to one of our events. Thanks for your continued support in breaking the cycle of poverty! Keep taking these great photos and we'll keep posting!
Remember to tag @krochetkids or post on our Facebook wall.
(clockwise from top left)
"I picked up this hat in Austin during SXSW: Krochet Kids Intl. Pretty impressive stuff." -pic.twitter.com/VHgRi53i (via @djairlaunch)
"Our brand rep, Jared, is the perfect model for the @krochetkids Lincoln Bow Tie. Shop the look: landf.co/18724/" -pic.twitter.com/SGgw7Z1K (via @LambandFlagCo)
"Buy a hat change a life, @krochetkids" -instagr.am/p/IhNNriJOR8/ (via @andreeeam)
"@krochetkids are top-notch humans. Help support their cause by buying a beanie and doing your part!" -pic.twitter.com/QtcUtkl2 (via @depescemode)
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