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The Helm Spotted On KKi Family Member David Loy In The New Atiba Jefferson / Ty Evans / Panda Bear Skate Video!

Krochet Kids Family Member David Loy spotted wearing The Helm in a new skate short by Atiba Jefferson and Ty Evans. The song is by Panda Bear and made exclusively for the video, respectively titled "Atiba's song". I really hope some more of these pop up, it's like the trifecta of awesome. Great shooting, great skating, and great music. David keep it up, I owe you breakfast for this one buddy!

ATIBA EVANS Panasonic GH2 Skate from skatefairy on Vimeo.

Also... If that wasn't enough family membershipness for you, take a gander on the new Birdhouse European skate tour video. It features our good friends and family members alike! David Loy, Shawn Hale, and Riley Hawk going for it over seas!

Birdhouse in Europe 2010 from Birdhouse on Vimeo.

Also also... If you don't have time to watch two long videos here is a picture of KKiF Member Deezle shredding balloons! Party!

More on the "FAMILY" soooooooon... -Brad


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