We are so excited to have almost reached half of our goal on
our One Days Wages campaign! We have been absolutely blown away with the creative campaigns that you guys have been thinking up. We thought that we'd share a great example of an amazing campaign that our friends Amy and Jordan did. Stay tuned for more creative campaign ideas - who knows, maybe you will be featured!
How did you hear about Krochet Kids international?
I (Jordan) became familiar with Krochet Kids through Kohl Crecilius. We both lived in the same house while attending the University of Washington. When Amy moved to Seattle in 2008 she wondered why everyone was wearing these cool beanies with the same logo on them. She was then introduced to KKi through her friends who also knew Kohl and his wife Amy.
When did you first decide that you wanted to go a non-traditional route for your wedding and your reception? Why did you decide to do this?
Little did Jordan know that I (Amy) had the whole wedding planned out in my head months before they got engaged. I had always dreamed of having an intimate winter destination wedding and a huge party to follow so we could celebrate with everyone who wasn’t at the wedding. However, we both always knew we wanted to do something different in style and purpose. We both have committed to being generous in our marriage, and to also pick a specific community somewhere in the world to serve, build long-term relationships, and help share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We didn’t have that place picked out yet so we thought there was no better way to start out our marriage then by working with an organization close to both our hearts that has the same goals as we do.
How did your friends and family respond to your idea?
Our friends and family were very supportive of our idea and we are so grateful for their generosity. We couldn’t be happier with a wedding gift that we know will change the lives of these women forever!
There are so many organizations that you could have asked your guests to donate to - why did you choose KKi?
We love Krochet Kid’s methodical approach to bringing women and their families out of poverty, teaching them life skills, and giving them economic stability in three years time. Krochet Kids is pioneering a completely different and extremely effective approach to relieving poverty and we want to do all we can to spread the word and help them grow because what they’re doing is incredible. Not only that but the bi-product is awesome! Amy has quite the collection of beanies :)
What's next for your and Jordan - what are you excited for in this new part of life together?
We’re currently looking to buy a 4-plex to owner occupy and rent out. That is a process in and of itself. We’re also trying to spend time with our great group of friends and really looking forward to being outside more and enjoying the amazing Spring and Summer months here in the Northwest. Amy is really into hiking and camping, and I (Jordan) love the wakeboard season. We’ll be spending a lot of time doing both of those things and taking a few short trips here and there to get away. Marriage is new and exciting and we’re just planning on having a lot of fun and seeing where God might take us next!
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