So we're a little bit behind on this one, but we would like to introduce our brand new staff member that joined us back in February. Meet Katie Gilliland - also know as KTG. Katie is our warehouse manager and inventory superwoman. We are so excited to have her on the team - welcome to the family, Katie!
Here's Katie's story:
I joined the Krochet Kids staff in February 2011. I was born and raised in Orange County, CA and I’m sad to say I can’t surf and I sunburn easily. I ventured to Upland, IN to attend Taylor University where I graduated with a B.A. in Communication Studies. Therefore, a little piece of my heart belongs to the Midwest...and Crackerbarrel. I love non-profits and I am so stoked and blessed to be working for Krochet Kids international. When I’m not working at Lomeli's and serving people Italian food, I love hanging out with Jr. High students and the youth ministry staff at my church.
Things you should know: I love frozen yogurt more than I love Justin Timberlake (which is quite a lot), my feet are really strange or “unique”, if I could I would wear sweats every day, I recommend you listen to Phinehas, I’m so good at people watching, the Michael Jackson dance game for the wii is the BEST, and I Love scampi.
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