We are speechless. When we first started our Kickstarter project we were confident that it would get funded, but we had no idea what was in store. Here are a few facts from the completion of our project.
- 525 individual project backers
- 618% funded
- the 3rd most funded fashion project ever (proof)
- every pledge level was accounted for (even 'the ULTIMATE' level #10)
- as a result, our Community Involvement Director (Nic) is going on 3 dates!
- Krochet Kids Peru will start with the support and backing of such a great community
We tell you all this to highlight how awesome all of you are. Thank you so much for the ways in which you helped this campaign. Whether you pledged or shared about it with friends, we are grateful. This is such a beautiful representation of Krochet Kids intl. and the powerful and passionate community that seeks to bring change to individuals and families around the globe.
These hats will not be for sale outside of this project, so you can't get these specific hats unless you pledged. HOWEVER, we will be releasing new hat styles from Peru in October. Please stay tuned as to when this will be!
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