Hilaria is a great example of the resilience and strength of the women we work with in Peru. When her father passed away and left the family farm to her and her siblings, Hilaria stepped up to the challenge. She worked in the fields and cared for the cattle and sheep to help her family makes ends meet. After many years of farm work Hilaria took her uncle up on an offer to bring her to the Lima, the capital city. She sold a sheep and a rooster to pay for the bus ticket and started the journey towards what she hoped was a better future.
When we first met Hilaria she was working for a local family as a babysitter. Gisela, a friend of hers and a participant in Krochet Kids Peru, introduced Hilaria to one of our Peruvian mentors and she decided that Hilaria would be a great fit for the program. Hilaria enjoyed being a babysitter but the income she was earning wasn't enough to support the family.
After joining Krochet Kids Peru Hilaria jumped headfirst into the empowerment journey. She’s shown a passion for learning, especially the trainings that relate to finance and saving. When asked if she was saving, “Of course I’m saving. So far I saved enough to buy a table and a stove. I also partnered with my brother and invested in a plot of land. My plan is to save more money so I can buy more land.”
In addition to investing in land, Hilaria plans on using the sewing skills she learned at Krochet Kids Peru to open up a tailoring business. When asked what she wanted to say to those who purchase her products she joked, “When I buy my machines I’ll take custom orders from all of you and make them on my own machines.”
In the short time that Hilaria has worked at KK Peru she's become and inspiration to our staff and her fellow participants. She is radically changing her circumstances and in doing so is rewriting her family’s future. If you have KKi product made by Hilaria, make sure to send her an encouraging note on her profile page.
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