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Graduation is Empowerment

Graduates in Uganda

Last year, 45 women graduated from our program. Graduation is a symbol of self-reliance. When a lady enters our program, she not only receives a job, mentorship, and education but is placed on a path to empowerment. Through our program, she grows to her full capacity and becomes a source of change in her community. We are confident that these women will continue to thrive after leaving our program, which is why graduation is such a joyous day. While we are sad to no longer have these graduates as part of our daily lives, we are so excited to watch them live out their dreams. These women go on to open their own businesses, gain further education, and transform their communities. Our graduation model also allows us to maximize the amount of individuals. When women graduate, it allows us to grow along with the surrounding community. Since last year's graduation, our mentors have continuously conducted follow up reports with graduates. We're happy to report that they are doing well and continue to thrive on their own. Learn more about our impact in 2014 in our Annual Report here, and learn more about our work in Uganda here!


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