Branden Harvey Visits KK Peru!
Our friend Branden Harvey, a blogger and storyteller, had the unique opportunity to visit our headquarters in Lima where he came face to face with the lady that made his favorite red beanie. Learn more about the impact this connection had on him by reading his story below!
"When I found out I was going to Lima to visit Krochet Kids Peru Headquarters, the first thing I packed was my red Krochet Kids beanie. My friend, Kohl, CEO & co-founder of Krochet Kids intl., gave it to me when I interviewed him on my
While I knew I'd get the opportunity to meet the women who make so many of the Krochet Kids intl. products, I never expected I'd actually be able to meet the woman who made my red beanie.
Every product Krochet Kids intl. makes
is hand-signed by the person who made it. My hat was signed by
Maribel Merino. And I got to meet Maribel Merino.
As we toured around the facilities on our first day and met some of the ladies who were at work, I wondered if we would see Maribel. For some reason, I figured she would already be out of the program or not be at work that day. At the end of the tour, I ended up asking if Maribel was around, assuming it was a long shot. And it turns out, she was there all along.
Maribel is a kind, goofy, and brilliant woman. When I first walked into the knitting room, she was sitting in front of her loom, knitting. Someone already told her I was coming over to meet her; she was already giggling as I walked up to her, camera in hand. She let me make a hilarious Snapchat story with her (she laughed and laughed) and that next day I got to visit her home and meet her cute son! At the time, she was 4.5 months pregnant and expecting another baby boy.

Sitting around her kitchen, she shared with us about her experience at Krochet Kids intl. We talked about her dreams for her children, and also her dreams to start a business of her own. Maribel is planning on opening a clothing store after she graduates from the Krochet Kids Program. She talks about this with her business mentor and intentionally saves part of her paychecks for this each month. She told us that without the business training she’s received from Krochet Kids intl., this dream would never feel like more than just a dream. Instead, it's now a plan.
It's just unreal to me that I got to meet someone who made a product I wear. I've never experienced this before. It makes me so happy to see Maribel's life, get to know why she loves her job, and know that what I wear contributed to a great mission — and an amazing woman who is being empowered to follow her dreams."
- Branden Harvey
You can keep up with Branden via
Instagram, and you can read his wife Sammi's experience at KK Peru
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