Twitpic TuesdayApr 26, 2011 From filming surprises for our 3rd Annual Gala to celebrating birthdays, we've been up to a lot this week at the Krochet Kids Headquarters!
TOMORROW NIGHT!Apr 25, 2011 Gift bags are being assembled, wine has been sampled, kettlekorn is delivered, and we are getting pumped to host our first of three galas in Newport Beach, CA tomorrow evening...
Sadie has a message for you...Apr 22, 2011 Incredible.
The People's Fleet is BackApr 22, 2011 Ford in conjunction with The People's Fleet is releasing a second opportunity for non-profits in the LA area to participate in their program.
(international) Retailer Spotlight: And GrailsApr 22, 2011 An interview from the owner of one of our international retailers. Learn from Kentaro the response Japenese people have had to the product and his feeling about the country moving...
Out of the Office, Into the CompoundApr 21, 2011 Agnes is one of our newest beneficiaries and we’re so glad that she’s joined the family. She learned how to make all of the different styles of hats really quickly...
Internship Applications due Friday!Apr 20, 2011 Thinking about interning? Well now's the time! Summer internship applications are due this Friday! We have all kinds of positions available and all sorts of awesome events happening this summer...
Meet Anena IreneApr 19, 2011 We can't be reminded enough about the hands and the stories that are behind the Krochet Kids intl. hats, scarves, etc. I came across this beautiful picture of Anena Irene...