J. Thoven Concert This Saturday!Jul 18, 2012 We’re excited for this Saturday’s show with J. THOVEN. Awesome music, great beer, incredible raffle prizes, and even hair cuts!
GratefulnessJul 16, 2012 We are inspired daily by the thank you notes that are written to the ladies of our programs in Peru and Uganda. Your stories and words of encouragement are far-reaching...
Our Designer Visits Krochet Kids PeruJul 13, 2012 Hear from our designer Cristina and her recent visit to Krochet Kids Peru!
Update from the Road: Warped TourJul 11, 2012 We have been having a great time on the Vans Warped Tour. We've loved meeting people from all around the country and rocking to some great music. It's been awesome...
GALA NO. 4 RecapJul 09, 2012 We have created a new page on our site to showcase this year's events for GALA NO. 4. Check it out!
And now, a shoe...Jul 05, 2012 Yesterday, we announced our new product collaboration with Vans- the shoe company we all know and love. We couldn't be happier with the final result of our combined efforts and...
Wanted: Interns for the Fall!Jul 03, 2012 We need your help and would love to have you work alongside us as we continue to offer empowerment to communities around the globe.
Out of the Office, into the CompoundJun 29, 2012 Holistic Developement
We seek to offer the very best, and most well-rounded, educational opportunities to the beneficiaries of our programs.