#CHOOSEGRATITUDE Question of the WeekSep 17, 2012 As part of our #CHOOSEGRATITUDE we are thanking people that have helped us, inspired us, and motivates us, and we want to hear who you are grateful for! CLICK HERE...
#CHOOSEGRATITUDESep 17, 2012 THANK YOU is a powerful tool for change in this world. Join with us this week as we #CHOOSEGRATITUDE!
ATTN: BLOGGERSSep 16, 2012 Join us in spreading the word about #CHOOSESTYLE this week by showing how you would wear/style a KKi product. If you don't have a blog yet, this is a great...
Help Choose Our Newest TeeSep 16, 2012 #CHOOSESTYLE and help us decide our newest t-shirt design that we will be producing for a week later in the campaign!
Featured Product 'the Betty'Sep 15, 2012 'the Betty' is one of our must-have hats from the FALL 2012 Collection! Stylish and comfortable, it has a thick yet breathable weave, making it a great hat for all...
#CHOOSESTYLE Office EditionSep 13, 2012 Our whole office is getting in on the #CHOOSESTYLE theme this week. Check out what products they chose as their favorites and what they wear them with!
KKi @ Fashion's Night OutSep 11, 2012 We were so excited to be a part of the GQ & Nordstrom Pop-Up Shop at Treasure & Bond last week for Fashion's Night Out New York! Two of our...
#CHOOSESTYLESep 10, 2012 Learn more about what it means to #CHOOSESTYLE and make a statement with your personal fashion this fall and winter!