Gratitude Speaks Volumes
Every day we receive thank you notes submitted to the ladies in Uganda and Peru that are making your hats. We at KKi are so encouraged by the ways you are helping promote gratitude and sharing that we couldn't keep these all to ourselves. Below are a few recent thank you notes we received.
We believe it is through the collection of all these little efforts that people - and our world - start to change. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to help be grateful and send a note of thanks.
Hi there Adong Prossy!
I was so happy to see your smiling face when I looked to see who made my amazing maroon Helm hat that I got today. You made it perfectly and I’ll be sure to think of you whenever I wear it. Thank you and take care!
Hi Rudy Guillermo,
thank for the beautiful Shirley scarf you made. My son bought it for me in Austin Texas and sent it home ot me in Western Australia as a birthday gift. I will treasure it.
I hope all your dreams to own your own business come true.
with best wishes
-Jan, Perth Western Australia
Arach Stella,
Thank you so much for my hat. I absolutely love it. It is so beautiful, just like you. Your story and strength are so inspirational. I have gotten many compliments on it and I always give the thanks back to you. May God bless you and your family and may your days be full of joy and happiness.
-Haley C.
Awoto Margret,
Thank you so much for making my lovely hat. It warms me even more knowing that it has helped you get that much closer to providing for your family and reaching your dreams.
Getting to actually see you and your beautiful smile on the Krochet Kids website makes it even more special.
Much love.
-Matthew L
Hi Akello Nancy!
I just received my hat today! I was so excited to see it had come in the mail, and I put it on as soon as I got home. My hat is different from every other hat in the world because it was made by you. Now I can show my friends and family what a great job you have done and how happy I am to have such a special hat! Thank you so much for taking the time to make this hat. I will keep it forever and be able to pass on your wonderful story.
I wish you and your family the best,
-Zaina K.
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