Today's Twitpic Tuesday has us extra excited because everyone is so stoaked on our new products! Whether its your first KKi product or your hundredth, we're happy to welcome you to the family!
Keep the pics of you and your Krochet Kids intl. gear coming! Be sure to tag @krochetkids on twitter, instagram or Facebook post.
(Clockwise from top left)
"Found these little @krochetkids gems at Nordstrom today. My sunglasses are so excited about them. #bringonsummer" - via @jilliangz
"Rockin my new neon #lovetank thanks to @krochetkids !! One down three to go. The blue one is next!" - via @Dina_A_Vinson
"@krochetkids Is where it's at. I bought a beanie and supported a great cause. #nonprofitorg #warpedtour #krochetkids" - via @_chachii
"@krochetkids let loose and party! #thelincoln" - via @thatdougz
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