It has been a busy couple of weeks full of adventures and surprises for KKi and those that support us. From events in the desert of Texas and the US Open of Surfing to both new life in KKPeru and being a part of new love, this week is one to remember.
Keep the pics of you and your Krochet Kids intl. gear coming! Be sure to tag @krochetkids on your twitter, instagram or Facebook posts.
(Clockwise from top left)
"Awesome tank supporting an awesome cause <3 @krochetkids #rtd12" - via @moelovesyou
"Thank you to @krochetkids for my wedding bow tie! #TamWedding" - via @GabrielGTam
"Our newest edition to KKP!" - via @jacmarch
"@rach_zee @vautlapeine and I down at @krochetkids booth! Come party!!" -via @leilahurst
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