A look through the lens of camera phones from our friends and supporters. Be sure to mention @krochetkids and send us some more photos of your Krochet Kids intl. products in action!
(clockwise from upper left)
- Cyber Monday purchases came in the mail today! :) @krochetkids, these are beautiful hats! "Buy a hat, Change a life." pic.twitter.com/wueionQy (via @yellownatalee)
- hey @blakegoodfellow check out my new @krochetkids #kkperu hat that I got in mail today! Say thanks to Carmen! pic.twitter.com/VomGnnPO (via @JohnSahid)
- Jhazmin from #kkperu sits with her son - twitpic.com/7p3q7c (via @krochetkids)
- Cool @krochetkids hats in @nordstrom in #seattle #buyahatchangealife @ Nordstrom instagr.am/p/XZ1H2/ (via @sethayates)
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