‘Tis the season to take a moment to pause and reflect on we’re truly thankful for. We are thankful to work with such incredible women and staff on the ground in Uganda and Peru who inspire us and motivate us every single day.
We are thankful for the opportunity to not only honor the people we work with, but also honor the process behind the products that we make with full transparency. Lastly, we are thankful for you - without your support, we would not be able to achieve such an incredible impact on the ground.
You see, every time you purchase from Krochet Kids intl., you’re not just buying a product, you’re creating an impact. You’re mindfully investing into the future of the women who work at our empowerment projects in Uganda and Peru. You are believing in their potential to thrive by providing them with education, mentorship and the sustainability that they need to rise above poverty, forever. The best part? You can meet them. Each product is hand-signed by the lady who made it and you can find her personal story on our website. After getting to know a little more about her and her goals for herself and her family, you’re able to write her a personal thank you note. You can thank her for the hard work that she has put into the product that you have purchased for yourself or the gift that you are thoughtfully giving this year.
During this time of reflection and expressing gratitude, we are excited to invite you to connect with the woman who made your product now. You can thank her, encourage her, and even share your story with her. These thank you notes are shared with every lady at our Annual Thank You Ceremony. You can get a first-hand look at this ceremony by watching the video here. Your kind words could potentially be all that she need’s to hear this season. Never underestimate the power of gratitude.
1. Find the label on your product with the signature of the lady who made it.
2. Go to Krochet Kids intl. website and click on the meet the ladies tab
3. Search for your lady in the search bar or by country
4. Connect with her personally by filling out your thank you message at the bottom of her profile
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