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Spokane, Seattle and so much Family Business

a behind the scenes look from ktg We had our first fundraiser in Newport Beach on April 26th at the Lido Theater. So many people came out to support KKi! The event was so much fun. We had two more fundraisers planned for May but I was pretty skeptical about going on a road trip for a week with six guys. The 24 hour drive up to Spokane was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. We got mistaken for a band, traveling in our 12 passenger van and hauling a trailer. We also played Family Business too many times to keep track of- mafia accents were required. Our first day in Spokane, we joined 55,000 other people and ran Bloomsday. We all managed to finish the race and memorably carried Adam across the finish line for dramatic effect. Kohl had the opportunity to be interviewed at KREM 2 News and I unexpectedly had to join in and be interviewed as well. The fundraiser in Spokane was held in The Bing Crosby Theater, which had so much character. Spokane was unique because it was the birthplace of the idea and dream of KKi. It was a heartfelt night because the theater was filled with close friends and family members that have believed in KKi since the beginning. After the Spokane event, Brad drove to us to Seattle while we slept (Thanks Brad!) It was my first time in Seattle and I loved it, especially the coffee. After a quick tour, some gift bag packing and pickleball we had our Seattle fundraiser at the Kirkland Performance Center. The screens kept getting bigger at each event and this screen topped all of them so Adam and Travis’ faces were ginormous. So many great people came out to the event and it was a blast. We went to two Nordstrom trunk shows in Bellevue and Downtown Seattle. It was great talking to the awesome employees who are so excited about Krochet Kids and introducing KKi to the customers. We could not have done these events without so many people. Thank you to everyone who donated beer, wine and kettlecorn. And thank you to our volunteers! I was blown away by the 30+ volunteers who came and helped out at the events. They were so awesome and we could not have done these fundraisers without them. And thanks to everyone who came to the events and donated to support KKi’s programs in Uganda and Peru! My favorite part of this trip was seeing the huge web of Krochet Kids supporters- everyone from family and friends to elementary school teachers, high school peers and past prom dates. The web of supporters around KKi is unreal. I think supporters of KKi are drawn either by the mission, vision and product or by knowing the guys behind the mission and vision. I was so blessed to meet these people on this trip- people who support KKi and the guys behind it with monthly donations, a home cooked meal, a bed to sleep on, words of encouragement and love. -ktg


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