Our Theory of Change

I often get asked why our model includes jobs, education and mentorship. The answer is actually simple; we’ve been studying life-change over the last 6 years and believe that the combination of these three initiatives is an excellent way to support the empowerment process. We know this because we have developed a theory of change, which helps us answer 3 very critical questions: 1. What is empowerment? 2. How does empowerment happen? 3. What can KKi do to best support the empowerment process and therefore generate the highest impact in a woman's life? A theory of change is a lot like Google Maps. You might use Maps to give you turn-by-turn directions to your nearest Starbucks. We use our theory of change as a roadmap to empowerment that outlines the path from poverty to wellbeing. It guides our work on the ground to ensure that we have deep impact on program participants. The reality is that empowerment is a messy and challenging process because it involves people and people are complex (we are talking about multiple pages of directions to stay true to the analogy). One of the reasons I believe our programs are so successful at producing impact is that our Theory of Change takes into account the whole person. There are 6 key areas of our personhood that affect our wellbeing; financial, intellectual, physical (health), social, emotional and spiritual. We believe that all of these must be invested into for a person to be truly empowered and therefore we are constantly at work to provide a holistic program that empowers the whole person. Our theory of change is this: We believe that a person is empowered when they meet the following six goals:- They have dignified work where they earn a fair income.
- They possess the knowledge of how to invest their resources to bring about positive change.
- They are physically healthy.
- They are supported by strong relationships with family and friends.
- They are able to emotionally cope with the challenges life throws at them.
- They are connected to an encouraging faith community.
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