Visiting Uganda
Our designer, Cristina, recently returned from a product development trip to Uganda. We love when she has the opportunity to visit our projects abroad to work with our beneficiaries on new designs, and you should be excited too because that means new exciting items are in the works! Cristina has a unique perspective of our program because she gets to sit down and work alongside the ladies.
Read this interview learn more about her trip!...
Can you share with everyone what the purpose of your trip was?
The purpose of my trip was to work on new product development for our Spring 2014 line. I sourced new materials and worked with the ladies on creating new product samples. Also to get a better understanding about how our program runs in Uganda.
What surprised you the most about Uganda?
I was surprised about how hot and dry the dry season really is. Inches of red dust cover everything!
Who were you able to work with?
I worked primarily with our group leaders -
Christine - and our tailor
Betty Fashion.
Tell us about working with the beneficiaries...
Working with the beneficiaries is one of the best parts of my job. I get to work with these incredible women who are working so hard to change their lives. They are very skilled at what they do and are so fun to work with.
Is there anything specific that happened during your trip that will resonate with you?
On my last day some of the beneficiaries and mentors did some traditional dancing for me and a few ladies spoke about how glad they were for me to visit and how appreciative they are for Krochet Kids intl. and the opportunities it provides them with.
What was the highlight (or highlights) of your trip?
Being at the compound when the
Harlem Shake was filmed was for sure a highlight. All of the ladies really got into making this video and had so much fun with it. Everyone was cracking up about it.

Also going on a safari - the landscape of Uganda is incredibly beautiful and we got to see some pretty amazing animals.
Is there anything else you want to share with everyone about KKUganda?
Our beneficiaries wanted me to share that they take great pride in the work that they do and are so grateful for everyone that supports them by purchasing a Krochet Kids product.
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