#KnowWhoMadeIt is a movement created to bridge the gap between consumer and producer. For the end user, the products hold much more significance and purpose. For the maker, it honors their creation and provides credit where credit is due. To explore this idea further, we are hosting a series on our blog where we interview those who create and discuss the importance of signing the work they produce. People are behind products. Let's celebrate this!
Name: Sean Tulgetske
Age: 23
Occupation: Designer
Location: Fullerton, California
You’re a letterer. Can you tell us exactly what that means?To put it in simple terms, lettering is the laying out and drawing of a single letter or a group letters. Basically as a letterer, it means I do things the traditional way by drawing things out with pencil and paper first.Why lettering?It’s what I love doing and I’ve found a way to share my voice, and the voice’s of others through lettering. Self-expression and helping people are the foundations of why I keep doing it.
What was the hardest part of learning typography?The most challenging thing when I was first starting was wanting to create so many things and not knowing where or how to begin. I would see these beautiful typographic pieces online, but didn't have a clue how they were made. I’m still learning and hope to continue this growth, so the hardest thing may actually be the fact I will never be done learning. I’m completely okay with it too.Do you have a favorite letter?I don’t really have a favorite one in particular, but I always do enjoy a sassy script letter “S”.What’s a normal day look like for you?I’m a morning person so I like to start my days off get up bright and early. First, I make a hearty breakfast and press some coffee. If I'm not working on client projects during the day, I am most likely drawing or making something just to stay creative. Living and working in the same space has been an interesting challenge, so when I’m not working, I’m with my incredible fiancé.Where do you draw inspiration from either in your work or in your life?I’m always drawing inspiration from my surroundings. Whether it’s walking around LA shooting photos with my friends or digging around Pinterest for vintage label designs, I find ways to pull inspiration from just about anything.What’s the strangest project you’ve ever worked on?A while back my roommate at the time and I once hand-lettered name cards and table numbers for our landlord’s wedding in exchange for our apartments security deposit.What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not designing and creating?I grew up in the woods of Michigan, so I enjoy getting far away from my computer and outside exploring new places with friends. I find it extremely refreshing to disconnect from the digital world and enjoy the beauty and stillness found in nature.What does #knowwhomadeit mean to you?To me, it means learning more about the deep values that hand-signed items bring into our lives.What does it mean for you to sign your name on something you’ve worked hard on?Signing my name on my work means pairing myself to the work seen. It allows people to put a face to the letters I’ve drawn.What about when you see a signature in your hat or apparel?When I saw a name hand-written in ink on a tag, it made me appreciate the time and craft that someone had put into making it.Who signed 'the Brady' hat that you are wearing?Rosemary Cruz of Krochet Kids Peru.What would you say to her?First, I want to say thank you so much for making this super comfy beanie! I would also like to tell Rosemary to never give up on hope, that she is beautiful and that she can accomplish anything. Especially her dream of running her own business. Rosemary, you are doing extraordinary things that matter and that are helping to re-shape a better world for everyone to live in.
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