Idro Dominic Visits the U.S.

Celebrating Empowerment
Earlier this month, we had the extreme pleasure of welcoming one of our international staff members to the US for the first time ever. Idro Dominic has worked alongside Krochet Kids intl. in Uganda for the past 5 years in varying capacities, but for the last year has served as our Country Director for Krochet Kids Uganda. We are honored on so many levels to have his leadership for our empowerment project in Uganda. We greatly value local leadership and he is a stunning example of why this is important. Maybe you read about him in our Annual Report? There were many facets to his trip and he experienced many things for the first time (including, but not limited to: surfing, In-N-Out burger, a harvest festival, Crater Lake National Park & MORE), however, the main focus of his time here was to share more about the amazing impact taking place in Uganda. We hosted three events on the west coast -- Orange County, CA // Seattle, WA // Spokane, WA -- each one featuring a presentation inclusive of a Q&A with Dominic. He helped shed light on the realities of life in Northern Uganda before women join our programs, and the empowerment that ensues for not only individuals, but their family members and communities as well. We were so grateful for his time with us here in the U.S. and so excited for him to return and share about the amazing community of supporters who make our work a reality (yes, that's YOU!). There will be more to come from Dominic's visit, but until then, enjoy these photos from his time on the west coast. A special thanks to our event sponsors who helped make each night a great success:

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