Financial Training at KKPeru

Financial Training: Knowledge for a Better Future
The Krochet Kids intl. model of change begins with providing jobs, but it doesn't stop there. Through our programs in Peru and Uganda, we are also committed to providing education and mentorship to our incredible women, helping to give them the necessary tools to take steps forward in their lives. Recently, our beneficiaries at KKPeru sat down for a financial training session regarding the topic of personal budgeting. Budgeting is an important tool the ladies can use to manage their money properly and improve their lives. The session covered aspects such as establishing and reaching personal goals, managing money, creating a savings plan and more. At the start of the training, the women were asked to discuss their goals for a happy future. Many of their goals, including sending children to school, making home improvements and having less debt, require necessary financial resources. Because not all of their goals can be accomplished at once, the women spent time prioritizing each goal according to what they hope to achieve first. Later in the training, the beneficiaries were asked to close their eyes for three minutes and dream of their ideal future livelihoods. Upon opening their eyes, they spent several minutes drawing a picture of their dreams. The drawings were hung on the wall so each women could visually see the dreams of themselves and others. In the coming weeks and months, our mentors in Peru will follow up with each of the KKi women to help encourage them to take the necessary steps towards their goals and saving plan. Through education and mentorship training such as this, we hope to continue to provide the information, knowledge and support to empower each KKi beneficiary to rise above poverty!

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