Congrats David Loy, Ethan Loy, Shawn Hale, and Riley Hawk!
Oct 25, 2010by
Check out the latest issue of "The Skateboard Mag" for Krochet Kids team rider David Loy's "New Jack" interview. On the first page you may recognize a KKi beanie you haven't seen yet and I'm guessing I'm not allowed to say it is or isn't available for this holiday but… it isn't, or is it? Yes, but you didn't hear it from me!
Also congrats to Dave for taking home best trick this past Sunday at Volcom's Damn Am. Love you buddy.
The whole weekend was filled with great food and entertainment curtesy of Skatepark of Tampa. Always appreciate those guys.
The rest of the guys did great! Ethan Loy qualified 5th, Riley Hawk qualified 2nd, and Shawn Hale got 4th in best trick. I'm excited to see what these guys do this year!
P.S. Oh yeah and we have a skate team... more soon!
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