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Concert Series Returns!

We're thrilled to announce the return of our concert series, and couldn't be more excited for the bands on board.

Parker Macy recently won 'Best Blues' at the OC Music Awards, a couple months after opening for blues legend BB King in Anaheim. You can hear him here.

The Stone Foxes have been on repeat in my office lately, but I'm not the only one stoked on them. Their new song can be found on the latest Jack Daniel's Whiskey commercial, and they recently opened a show for the Black Keys. Incredible. You can hear them here.

Both bands will be at our warehouse May 27th for a show to benefit our Peru project. Tickets are $10 at the door, and can be used as a voucher towards product purchase. Lagunitas beer will also be on hand at dirt-cheap prices. Seriously.

RSVP to the Facebook invite HERE. Don't miss it!


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