#CHOOSEFUN ...says Kid President
The time to be AWESOME is now...
If you have been following along with our #CHOICES campaign you know that each week we have invited you into the conversation of what you choose when you support Krochet Kids intl. We have asked you to #CHOOSEGRATITUDE, #CHOOSESTYLE, and #CHOOSEPEOPLE among other things (Hint: Those are links. You can click them. :) ).
Well this week we are not asking you to do anything, but we are TELLING you what to do with the help (and authority) of our friend Kid President. Here's the gist... too often in our world people think of helping others as difficult, overwhelming, and even boring. This needs to change.
One of our goals as an organization is to help the world understand that its possible to do a lot of good and #CHOOSEFUN all at the same time. We can be creative, we can love people, and have fun in the process. Follow along this week to learn more and join us in what it means to #CHOOSEFUN.
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