Email 20 friends. Get 20 percent off online purchases.
Here's the deal... You have probably voted already to help us win $1 million from Chase Bank (if not, do it NOW - We appreciate that, but we need your help in taking it to the next level and SHARING about it with your community. This is a great opportunity to tell people in your life about Krochet Kids intl. and why you care about our work.
That's not all. If you email the following message to 20 of your friends and family we will follow up by sending you a promo code for 20% off online purchases (major awesome points if you go above and beyond). We appreciate your support and thank you in advance for all your help. Sample twitter and facebook messages are below as well. Please keep spreading the word.
*NOTE: be sure that the email address are visible in the "TO:" or CC:" lines of the email so we can know you sent it to 20 people*
Copy & paste this copy into your email: (feel free to add your personal touch)Krochet Kids intl. (KKi) is an organization I support that is working to provide jobs and education to people in poverty around the world.
KKi now has an incredible opportunity as 1 of 25 organizations up for a $1 million grant from Chase Bank’s American Giving Awards. Upon winning they’ll be able to expand their work and start a pilot program in the US, bringing job creation, empowerment, and opportunity back home. But they need YOUR HELP! Please VOTE for them right now at, and share with others about this simple way to provide jobs for more people around the world and here at home! Check out this video:
If you forward this email on to 20 friends, and include, you will receive a promo code for 20% off product on their online store- awesome hats & accessories signed by the people that make them. They will need to see in the address bar that you have sent it to 20 individuals, so make sure they are visible. Please forward this on!
The simple act of voting and sharing can make a huge difference in the lives of people around the world. Voting ends Dec. 4th so please share today. Thank you! Learn more:
Vote for @krochetkids to win $1 million and bring their life-changing work to the USA! #vote4kki (please RT)
Vote for Krochet Kids international to win $1 million from Chase Bank so they can bring their life-changing work home to the USA.
VOTE here ( and share with your friends! Help us support this organization we care about!
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